Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hey there, old friend!

Well, helloooooooo there!

Unfortunately, I'm not as cheery in the way I write. There will be no cutesie updates about what has happened in my life since I last posted. No of that BS. There are more important things to talk about, like the NOW. As in the present, nothing much else. (No, it wasn't an acronym for something more exciting...sorry, but not really).

Ok, so I lied. There will be some minor updates on my life in order for one to understand what is going on:

-I work at Info Tech at BU for the summer
-Living in Boston on Beacon St. (not going to give the address so you won't stalk me)
-Doing the BUST Summer Show, Almost Maine. Everyone should come see it.

The reason I'm really restarting to use this blog is that when I sit in the Front Office of IT, it gets pretty damn boring. I essentially am being paid to do this. Actually, all my work depends on who comes in or calls with a problem.

Hold on I must take this person.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

100+ Things that make me Happy

100 Things That Make Me Happy

1. Lil Mama's Lip Gloss
2. my back yard after it has snowed
3. cookie pie
4. mashed potatoes and beef wellington
5. playing solitaire and listening to music
6. sleeping late
7. a good, cold glass of milk
8. laughing until i can't breathe
9. the face i make when i look in the mirror when im alone
10. a good sweatshirt
11. an interesting, intricate harmony
12. being a chauffeur to my carless friends
13. colorful drinks
14. singing the wrong notes on purpose when no one is around
15. the finale of pippin
16. hating stage and booze moms
17. jungle drums
18. Boston
19. watching my brother play video games
20. playing LOTR: Third Age with Cory
21. indian food
22. doing absolutely nothing con shrexa
23. lounging with sara
24. deep conversations with steph
25. knowing i wont let misfortune keep me down
26. knowing i beat a lambo in a road race with my V4 jetta
27. Chris Gullotta, Jen Messina, Crystal Morawitz
28. Palazzo's high fives
29. when Mariel runs
30. Bailey, in general
31. discussing literature with ry
32. big round comfy chairs
33. practical jokes
34. scary movies even though i have nightmares
35. peeling things
36. driving at high speeds and sometimes like a maniac
37. wearing a suit
38. wearing pajamas
39. a book i cant put down
40. knowing i made my life good after lots of loss
41. Barbara
42. 30 Rock
43. Cascada's Everytime We Touch
44. Love/Hate Relationships
45. Pretending I know how to tap dance
46. Su Kim, nuff said
47. YSB
48. Traveling
49. all-inclusive resorts
50. scuba diving
51. surprise parties
52. being someones backup
53. Twister the movie
54. being awesome at Taboo
55. D&D with Dani
56. Ireland
57. being able to finally win arguements with the parents
58. debating about relgion
59. reading about royalty
60. helping people with their problems
61. being that shoulder to lean on
62. Quonnie
63. living in the city and out in the boonies
64. going to BU
65. my floors: 3 East and Sleeper Six
66. going to live sports games
67. seeing those who cheat get their comeuppance
68. finishing a crossword puzzle without help
69. my Music Man Quartet
70. new technology
71. skiing
72. hanging out with friends
73. attempting to be witty and then accomplishing it
74. lots of pillows
75. out-of-the-ordinary moments
76. thinking about my childhood with my brother
77. laughing at Cory
78. burning things
79. procrastinaton
80. when the leaves turn colors
81. my dogs
82. being on stage
83. spending all my money on other people
84. Bay State Road
85. Nashoba Run
86. photoshopping
87. listening to intense music as i walk down comm ave and pretend im a spy
88. rollercoasters
89. my tattoo
90. choir music
91. a capella groups
92. remembering weird dreams
93. London
94. being a tool just to be said tool
95. my mac
96. Jubs
97. my family
98. finishing friends sentences
99. stage troupe in its entirety (people, parties, 1193 most specifically, atmosphere, the work we do)
100. my life as it is, thought ive been through some hard times, i wouldnt be who i am today without the good and the bad
101. Shampoo with Josh, erica, petah

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Anything Goes

Anything Goes is my life right now and I love it

and all the people in it!!!!

and italian food

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Please dont tell me

K so i love Anything Goes


yes there is a but. a big ugly but for me. its just one of my pet peeves.

DONT TELL ME WHAT MY ROLE IS!!!! please i beg u. no one. I know im not on stage for somethings but i can still sing offstage cuz frankly sometimes an extra voice could help.

i almost went back on my motto of "take any part u can get" because i didnt know if it would be worth it but I loved these people too much to not. but i dont need u telling me what part to sing because it doesnt match up with my dance. i dont need to be patronized. im not fucking retarded. sometimes people make me wanna be hypocrites and just not do a show...

but yes another but

seeing kristin and jordan being cute in de-lovely and rachel's 'Hallelujah' makes it all worth while....sigh....

much love anything goes

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


as i sit in Anything Goes rehearsal i realize that i should doing my work/rehearsing the dances i need to know better but... here i am popping the clutch... oh well...HOW LIKE LIFE

um today was an okay day...considering i got only 4 hours of sleep last night. i slacked off this weekend on work and just decided to bite the bullet and pull an almost-all-nighter. i got shit done. but am very tired

deck CHAIR!!!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


i need to tlk to someone from home

Weird Day

So today was kind of a weird day.

HIFBISS was amazing and I had so much fun but waking up at 10 30 for a 5 hour rehearsal... my life is so hard (lol nat)

but i was sitting in rehearsal, trying to get work done, and i was listening to the reason by hoobastank and just looked around the room at everybody and couldnt help but smiling

im just so thankful for troupe because I was walking back from rehearsal yesterday before combat and was thinking, "Man, i have no time EVER b/c of troupe." But then i realized that i wouldnt know what I would be doing with my time at BU...so im grateful and so very appreciative of everthing it has done for me

and i woke up today with a very minor headache and the sun was shining and it was beautiful but then it got very cloudy and now kinda rainy and I dont really think I have SAD but i got very depressed when it started to get gray outside...hmmm....