Sunday, February 17, 2008

Weird Day

So today was kind of a weird day.

HIFBISS was amazing and I had so much fun but waking up at 10 30 for a 5 hour rehearsal... my life is so hard (lol nat)

but i was sitting in rehearsal, trying to get work done, and i was listening to the reason by hoobastank and just looked around the room at everybody and couldnt help but smiling

im just so thankful for troupe because I was walking back from rehearsal yesterday before combat and was thinking, "Man, i have no time EVER b/c of troupe." But then i realized that i wouldnt know what I would be doing with my time at im grateful and so very appreciative of everthing it has done for me

and i woke up today with a very minor headache and the sun was shining and it was beautiful but then it got very cloudy and now kinda rainy and I dont really think I have SAD but i got very depressed when it started to get gray outside...hmmm....

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