Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hey there, old friend!

Well, helloooooooo there!

Unfortunately, I'm not as cheery in the way I write. There will be no cutesie updates about what has happened in my life since I last posted. No of that BS. There are more important things to talk about, like the NOW. As in the present, nothing much else. (No, it wasn't an acronym for something more exciting...sorry, but not really).

Ok, so I lied. There will be some minor updates on my life in order for one to understand what is going on:

-I work at Info Tech at BU for the summer
-Living in Boston on Beacon St. (not going to give the address so you won't stalk me)
-Doing the BUST Summer Show, Almost Maine. Everyone should come see it.

The reason I'm really restarting to use this blog is that when I sit in the Front Office of IT, it gets pretty damn boring. I essentially am being paid to do this. Actually, all my work depends on who comes in or calls with a problem.

Hold on I must take this person.

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