Friday, February 15, 2008

what i meant to write last night

so im sitting here in rhetoric (very boring) and i forgot to say a couple things in my last post but the sleeping pills (i thought) were kicking in but i ended up not falling asleep until like 3 hours later

whenever i listen to the song "Danny Boy," i feel like i really know what I want out of life. it actually seems tangible but i cant exactly see what it is

i knew i had to adjust to certain things about college life, like noise levels while i sleep and i have been very acomodating, but it is starting to irk me...i have to get over it though if i am to continue college life

i really wish there was some kind of thing i could do to make me a heavier sleeper (i.e. fall asleep faster for longer)

most people say that in college, u can reinvent yourself and be a totally different person and that most people do become different than what they were at home. i dont feel like ive changed that much at all. i guess ive become more positive but other than that...i dont know

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